Bike repair stations

No matter how well prepared you are as a cyclist, sometimes you have a flat tire on a bike tour. One person has the whole repair kit with them, the other lacks certain tools. One person goes on a bike tour during normal business hours and will find help at the nearest bike store, while another goes on a Sunday or public holiday and is standing in front of closed doors. This is where it proves incredibly practical to find bike repair stations along busy cycle routes, at least in cities. These allow bikes to be repaired and serviced at any time and therefore provide flexibility in the event of damage and increase safety in traffic.
To ensure that these stations can be found in the event of damage, they must be properly mapped and easy to locate. When using the OpenStreetMaps-based app “Organic Maps“, these stations are found with the keyword “bike repair” or “bicycle repair” and it is possible to display all bicycle repair stations in the area.