Wireless Charging on Public Spaces

Publicly available, free of charge inductive charging points for cell phones are a welcome infrastructure not only for residents, but also for cyclists.

Bike Tube Vending Machines

Even the most prepared cyclists can encounter unexpected punctures or flat tires during their journeys. To address this common issue and support the cycling community, the installation of bike tube vending machines on the streets has emerged as a valuable addition.

Free Cargo Bike Sharing

Supplying the cities with goods and at the same time reducing the mass of cars in the inner cities is a problem that can only be solved by means of alternative transport infrastructure - such as a simple and free cargo bike sharing infrastructure

Metro Stations as a Platform for Communication

Metro Stations as a Platform for Communication Metro station Hôtel de Ville in Paris Metro stations are more than just traffic hubs at which people buy a ticket and run for their train. Metro stations are hubs where people come…